Arugula Pesto Recipe One of my Favorites Arugula Pesto:Really simple, flavorful and so delicious arugula pesto pasta dish topped with arugula and mint pesto, served with avocado and pomegranates. I make this delicious dressing quite often and have it in my fridge for any last minute meals, which is normally pasta, baked fish or chicken. […]
Author Archive: heghineh
Lavash Bread Recipe – Լավաշ – Лаваш
Lavash Рецепт 2 ст теплой воды 2 ч л соли 1 ст л сахару 3-4 ст муки ( я добавляю 1ст цельнозерновой муки) Метод приготовления посмотрите на моем канале I think there’s no need for a long introduction for Armenian flatbread Lavash. It is very well known, as nowadays many bakeries bake Lavash and most […]
Sour Gummy Worms Recipe
Sour Gummy Worms Candy time again,similar to sour gummies I made a while ago, these will be the: sour gummy worms kind of candy. Super easy to make and only a few ingredients needed .I made these sour gummy worms quite a few times and all my kids loved them. I’m still testing a few […]
Medovik – Caramel Glazed Honey Cake
Medovik Any cake or sweets made with honey is my absolute favorite.I may have 6-7 different honey / Medovik cake recipes. All of them different , decadent and very delicious . I came up with this recipe when decided to combine caramel and honey tastes together. Tested recipe twice and loved the result , therefore decided […]
Almond Caramel Bites – Նուշով Կարամել Կոնֆետներ
Almond Caramel Bites Recipe I’m not a big fan of candy or sweets in general, but when it comes to this one, I can eat non stop and finish the entire batch all by myself. And by “this” I mean :Amaretto almond caramel bites. Chewy ,creamy ,crunchy and so delicious. Preparation is not difficult or […]
Almond Brittle Recipe – Նշով Քաղցրավենիք
Almond Brittle Recipe I can’t even think of what to write or how to describe these delicious snacks called almond brittle . A quick made snack that takes only 2 ingredients and approximately 7-10 minutes of your time. As simple as that. I really like these with my poached pears or just with my cup […]
Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe
Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers My all time favorite summertime dish : rice stuffed bell peppers .The best part about this dish, is that it’s super easy to make, tastes absolutely delicious hot or cold, the same or the next day. I even freeze these for weeks . These rice stuffed bell peppers are a great […]
Potato Patties Recipe – Կարտոֆիլով Կարկանդակ
Potato Patties Recipe Fried potato patties recipe. One of the few things that my entire family loves to eat , even more, if I make these fried potato patties every day, my teenager son will be the happiest guy on earth. He swallows these as it’s the end of the world and no food is […]