Armenian Coffee Making Armenian coffee is pretty much a routine for us, Armenians .We start the day with that coffee, well, I mean many of us;), we drink it after lunch or early dinner. And we certainly drink it when someone comes over for a quick chat or for anything else. That’s the Armenian way […]
Category Archives: Armenian Cuisine
Armenian Manti Recipe – Մանթի – Բորակի – Манты
Armenian Manti Recipe A dish called Manti: baked dumplings served with garlic yogurt, and tomato sauce. Super easy to make, if you make it not quite traditional shape, I mean, size. As Manti is an almost miniature size dumpling that may take quite a long time to fold. And as usual, I like to make […]
Pumpkin Preserves – Варенье из тыквы – Դդումի Մուրաբա
Рецепт (размер стакана 250 мл) Тыква 1 кг (нарезать на маленькие куски) Известь ½ ст + холодная вода 2 литр Сироп Сахар 8 ½ ст Вода 10 ст Лимонный сок 1 ст л Корица, гвоздика, ваниль по желанию Цедр и сок 2 апельсинов (тоже по желанию) Способ приготовления посмотрите на моем YouTube канале Pumpkin Preserves […]
How to Make Chi Kofte – Հում Մսով Կոլոլակ
Chi Kofte Recipe Have You ever tried Chi Kofte? Really delicious and well known appetizer that’s served almost in every Armenian restaurant. Chi kofte on our menu.It’s made of only a few ingredients: fresh raw beef , that’s been grinded several times , To reach smooth and silky texture ,#1 bulgur and some spices. It’s very important for […]
Lavash Bread Recipe – Լավաշ – Лаваш
Lavash Рецепт 2 ст теплой воды 2 ч л соли 1 ст л сахару 3-4 ст муки ( я добавляю 1ст цельнозерновой муки) Метод приготовления посмотрите на моем канале I think there’s no need for a long introduction for Armenian flatbread Lavash. It is very well known, as nowadays many bakeries bake Lavash and most […]
Armenian Flatbread Matnakash Recipe – Մատնաքաշ
Armenian Flatbread Matnakash Matnakash : Armenian traditional flat bread that has specific shape, lines pulled with finger, that’s where the name comes from, and tastes very-very delicious. I’ve been trying to get a recipe for this flatbread for a while and eventually made one up ,since I wasn’t able to find an original recipe. Even […]
Homemade Lahmajun – Լահմաջուն – Ламаджо
Homemade Lahmajun Meat Pie Recipe Lahmajun: an Armenian dish made of bread and spiced minced meat ,with tomato sauce and parsley . Very flavorful and delicious , yet so easy to make.This dish is often called as Middle Eastern or Armenian pizza .I still think the word pizza is not what really describes this specific […]
Armenian Chocolate Caramel Cake Mikado
Chocolate Caramel Cake Mikado Not sure why they called this cake Mikado, can’t find anything common with Japanese sweets, but that’s how it’s called and I don’t think anyone would ever ask or care why the name doesn’t relate with the cake. In fact the cake Mikado, happens to be one of the oldest among […]