Apricot Preserves with Almonds and Rose Syrup

Apricot Preserves with Almonds and Rose Syrup

Apricot Preserves Recipe This delicious and fragrant apricot preserves may be one of the most delightful sweets you’ve ever tasted. I remember, as a child, how my grandmother would spent hours making this very Armenian preserves. She’d ask us to crush apricot seeds and peel them carefully, so that she can add those to the […]

Homemade Apricot Jam - Apricot Jam Recipe

Homemade Apricot Jam – Apricot Jam Recipe

Apricot Jam Recipe My favorite apricot jam,happens to be best when making cakes or pastries. I personally love using my own homemade apricot jam. Since I was planning to share a few recipes that include apricot jam, decided to make some. Posted the picture on my Instagram ,Facebook page and found out that many would love […]

Pumpkin Preserves - Դդումի Մուրաբա

Pumpkin Preserves – Варенье из тыквы – Դդումի Մուրաբա

Рецепт (размер стакана 250 мл)  Тыква 1 кг (нарезать на маленькие куски) Известь ½  ст + холодная вода 2 литр  Сироп  Сахар 8 ½ ст Вода 10 ст  Лимонный сок 1 ст л  Корица, гвоздика, ваниль по желанию  Цедр и сок 2 апельсинов (тоже по желанию) Способ приготовления посмотрите на моем YouTube канале  Pumpkin Preserves […]