Christmas 2015 We tried to make something funny to bring a smile on everyone’s face on this cheerful and special day. Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Category Archives: Posts
Quince Preserves Available on ETSY
Hey everyone my Quince preserves are now available on my ETSY shop. Check out the link if you would like to place an order. Thank you all!
Zephyr Available for Sale
Hey everyone just a quick sweet announcement: My homemade Raspberry Zephyr is now available on my Etsy shop! Check it out, and place an order if you like. Thank you all!
Heghineh Cooking Channel
Heghineh Cooking Channel Hi Everyone! Just wanted you quickly introduce myself and my cooking channel. My name is Heghine, Armenian, mom to five crazy – noisy kids, who take part in my shows once in awhile. My simple passion for cooking and baking brought me here and I’m so happy to share my experience and […]