Spiced Ricotta Stuffed Mini Peppers

Spiced Ricotta Stuffed Mini Peppers

Spiced Ricotta Stuffed Mini Peppers Recipe

Quick and delicious not mention very fancy looking appetizer with spiced ricotta and bell peppers.

Try and hope you enjoy it!

Spiced Ricotta Stuffed Mini Peppers


½ cup ricotta cheese

About 1 lbs mini bell peppers

Red and black pepper

1 garlic clove, minced

½ tsp dried oregano

Zest of one lemon

Salt to taste

Freshly chopped herbs : parsley or dill

Spiced Ricotta Stuffed Mini Peppers


Cut the tops of peppers and remove the seeds if there are any, set aside

In a bowl combine the rest of ingredients and mix to combine

Using a pastry bag or ziplock bag, stuff bell peppers and dip the tops into chopped herbs


Bon appetit!

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