Soft White Homemade Bread Recipe

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Repeat the same process 3 times

Divide the dough into 4 equal portions

Shape as desired (long baguette or oval,or round )

Place shaped breads on a lined baking pan (use foil or parchment paper )

Lightly dust the tops with flour (optional)

Let the shaped loaves to rest and rise another 30-40 minutes lightly covered with a towel

At this point you can preheat the oven to 480° F/250° C degree

Prior baking ,use a sharp knife to make a few slashes on the top of the bread

To make sure you have that crispy crust ,drop a few ice cubes into the oven,right before baking to create steam

Bake 10 minutes ,then lower the temperature to 450° F/220° C and bake another 10-15 minutes

Remember to switch baking pans halfway through the baking

Tip: Depending on the shape, baking time may vary

Long slim baguettes will bake faster than thick oval or round shaped ones,so keep an eye

When the bread has dark golden crust color take out

Allow the bread to cool down at least 30 minutes before slicing



  1. Whats on top, flour? Do you put anything on the bread before or after? Do you have recipe for Korjhik or Peranik?

    Thank you!

    • Yes,that’s flour, I sprinkle some on the bread before baking,watch the YouTube video for detailed demo,
      I don’t have recipe for those,but will look for one and see how it turns out, will make sure to share

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