Spiced Olives - Ձիթապտղով Նախուտեստ - Heghineh Cooking Show

Spiced Olives – Ձիթապտղով Նախուտեստ

Spiced Olives Recipe

Quick and easy appetizer idea with spiced olives. Only a few ingredients needed and most of them can be found in your pantry and fridge.

See ingredients list below . Hope you try and like this simple appetizer.

Bon appetit !

Spiced Olives - Ձիթապտղով Նախուտեստ - Heghineh Cooking Show


About 16-18 oz plain olives, I mixed kalamata and green olives

Zest of one lemon, I also like adding slices of lemon

1 clove of garlic, minced

¼ tsp ground black pepper

¼ tsp chili flakes

1 tsp red pepper paste , I have a tutorial how to make it

2 tbs extra virgin olive oil

5-7 dry chili peppers

Spiced Olives - Ձիթապտղով Նախուտեստ - Heghineh Cooking Show


Combine all your spices, oil, garlic and zest In a glass or plastic container , mix to incorporate

Add olives and chilies and stir well

Cover the lid and place spiced olives in fridge for 2-3 days

It’s a good idea to shake and mix the olives once a day to make sure it marinates evenly

Enjoy !

Բարի ախորժակ !

Spiced Olives - Ձիթապտղով Նախուտեստ - Heghineh Cooking Show




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