Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe – Armenian Cuisine

Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe

Quick list of ingredients and instructions 

Roasted eggplants , about a pound or less

2-3 tbs strained yogurt or sour cream

1-2 garlic cloves, minced

Salt , pepper , cumin, cayenne or aleppo pepper to taste

Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

Roast , peel and clean eggplants

Add the rest of ingredients and chop finely or if you like it more chunky go accordingly

Serve your eggplant dip with veggies or chips

Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

Bon appetit !

Բարի ախորժակ!

Eggplant Yogurt Dip Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show