Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine

Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe – Armenian Cuisine

Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe

One of my favorite springtime dishes: green beans tomato sauce. And that tomato sauce has to be spiced and seasoned properly, with all kinds of rich and flavorful goodies. We normally use flat beans , but if you can’t get hold of those, use skinny ones. Just keep in mind that flat beans cook a bit longer.

Pair it with jasmine or basmati rice , taste so much better and will make a great dinner.

If you never tried this delicious dish, be sure to give it a go and I’d love to hear your feedback after you do. Reach me out on Instagram or Facebook, tag or comment. I always look forward to seeing your posts and food pictures. And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to be updated on my new uploads.

Happy cooking !

Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine


Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine

1 ½ -2 lbs green beans, cleaned and cut into 1” diamond or square shapes

Boiling water for cooking the beans

2-3 medium ripe tomatoes (use canned if you don’t have fresh ones, one small can should do)

1 medium onion, finely sliced

2 tbs red pepper paste, I have a tutorial on my YouTube channel

3-4 garlic cloves, whole or minced

⅓ tsp ground black pepper

⅓ tsp cumin

½ tsp turmeric

¼ tsp cayenne ( use any of your favorite spices)

Salt to taste

Fresh herbs: parsley, dill, cilantro a tbs each

Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine


Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine

Cook the beans until tender

While it’s cooking prepare the tomato sauce

Sauté onions until translucent

Add in the rest of ingredients and spices, except for herbs, cook another 3-4 minutes

Mix in cooked beans and about a cup of the bean stock

Stir well, reduce the heat and cook covered, 5-7 minutes

Sprinkle with fresh herbs and enjoy

Bon appetite!

Բարի ախորժակ!

Green Beans Tomato Sauce Recipe - Armenian Cuisine

One Comment

  1. your stew looks very good, I need to get some spices to make this dish. I will let you know. In the meantime I would like a recipe for Paska, (a easy one!)

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