Рецепт (размер стакана 250 мл) Тыква 1 кг (нарезать на маленькие куски) Известь ½ ст + холодная вода 2 литр Сироп Сахар 8 ½ ст Вода 10 ст Лимонный сок 1 ст л Корица, гвоздика, ваниль по желанию Цедр и сок 2 апельсинов (тоже по желанию) Способ приготовления посмотрите на моем YouTube канале Pumpkin Preserves […]
Heghineh Cooking Channel
Heghineh Cooking Channel Hi Everyone! Just wanted you quickly introduce myself and my cooking channel. My name is Heghine, Armenian, mom to five crazy – noisy kids, who take part in my shows once in awhile. My simple passion for cooking and baking brought me here and I’m so happy to share my experience and […]
Red Pepper Hummus Recipe by Heghineh
Red Pepper Hummus Recipe I don’t think this appetizer needs an introduction: roasted red pepper hummus recipe. It’s healthy, flavorful, easy to make and super delicious! Taste great with fresh veggies, chips and grilled meats, and the best part, it takes only a few minutes to prepare. You can definitely leave out the red peppers […]
Ferrero Rocher Crumb Cake Recipe
Ferrero Rocher Crumb Cake I’ve been wanting to make a recipe for Ferrero Rocher crumb cake for a while and luckily I came up with a pretty simple, well maybe not that simple, but quite an original version of chocolate hazelnut crumb cake. Several things can be added to this recipe, such as placing the […]
How to Make Chi Kofte – Հում Մսով Կոլոլակ
Chi Kofte Recipe Have You ever tried Chi Kofte? Really delicious and well known appetizer that’s served almost in every Armenian restaurant. Chi kofte on our menu.It’s made of only a few ingredients: fresh raw beef , that’s been grinded several times , To reach smooth and silky texture ,#1 bulgur and some spices. It’s very important for […]
No Bake Pomegranate Cheesecake Recipe
Рецепт Для Основы 1 ½ ст шоколадная крошка 5-6 ст л топленое масло ( если печенья с кремом , масло не надо) Начинка 650-680 г сливочный сыр 1 ½ ст сахарной пудры 1 ст (250мл) жирных сливок Ванилин 1 ст л лимонный сок ( по желанию) ⅓ ст гранатовые зерна Желатин 80-90 г порошок ароматного […]
Arugula Pesto Recipe – Արուգուլա Պեստո
Arugula Pesto Recipe One of my Favorites Arugula Pesto:Really simple, flavorful and so delicious arugula pesto pasta dish topped with arugula and mint pesto, served with avocado and pomegranates. I make this delicious dressing quite often and have it in my fridge for any last minute meals, which is normally pasta, baked fish or chicken. […]
Lavash Bread Recipe – Լավաշ – Лаваш
Lavash Рецепт 2 ст теплой воды 2 ч л соли 1 ст л сахару 3-4 ст муки ( я добавляю 1ст цельнозерновой муки) Метод приготовления посмотрите на моем канале I think there’s no need for a long introduction for Armenian flatbread Lavash. It is very well known, as nowadays many bakeries bake Lavash and most […]